Tizzy Trails

Tizzy Trails is designed to be used at tourist locations, such as museums, farms, public wood areas, and shopping centres. It’s a fun trail to keep children aged 3-10 years old kids entertained.

There are three main reasons why businesses should partner with Tizzy Trails:

  • Attract new visitors and encourage visitors to return again : ​Tizzy Trails is a great way to attract new visitors to your location. Children love Tizzy the elf, and they’ll be eager to follow the trails and see what she has to offer. Tizzy Trails also encourages previous visitors to return again as something new to try.
  • Keep visitors at your location longer : Tizzy Trails is a great way to keep visitors at your location longer. Children will be engaged with the trail, and they won’t want to leave until they’ve finished them all. This is a great way to increase foot traffic and sales by offering incentives for completed trails.
  • Low cost marketing and set up : ​Businesses can partner with Tizzy Trails without having to spend a lot of money on marketing and make use of the free Tizzy images. Businesses can set up their own trails quickly and easily.


Get started with a Tizzy Trail


A Tizzy Trails Blazer!


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As Gold, plus:

Let’s talk about Tizzy Trails

Contact us below to learn more about how we can partner and bring visitors to you.